Recently, we got feedback from some customers, they brought up the pleats, then the stitches were shown up, so some of them thought the pleats of dresses not stitched, dresses unfinished, someone even thought dresses were bad quality and even left bad reviews, that's total misunderstanding, so today, I will show you the whole process to make the pleats, then you will know why there are many stitches under the pleats.
Generally, pleats tend to drop naturally when you wear the dress, and all the stitching used to secure the pleats is concealed beneath them. This stitching is crucial to keep the pleats in place and prevent them from becoming disarrayed.
For high-quality garments, pleating is usually done meticulously by hand. This approach ensures that the pleats appear more natural. The stitching is spaced approximately 0.5cm to 1cm apart. It's a time-consuming and highly skilled task, requiring a delicate balance – not too tight, but not too loose. If the stitching is too tight, it can result in uneven pleats. Conversely, if the stitching is too loose, some pleats may become scattered.
Alternatively, some pleating can be achieved using a sewing machine, which is a quicker and more efficient method. However, the downside is that the pleats created this way tend to be rigid. While they look good when the dress is stationary, they won't flow with your body's movements. It's as if the pleats are firmly affixed to the dress and can't adapt, which can be unattractive when you're in motion.
So today, I will show you the whole process to make the pleats, then you will know our dresses are not unstitched, not bad quality.
1. We need to put main dress on the mannequin firstly, then cut a piece of fabric
2. The both sides of top end of fabric will be fixed on the dress by pins, then seamstress will creat the first pleat, we need to use pin to fix both sides when one pleat was formed, so by this way, the pleats were created one by one.
3. Our seamstress will form the last pleats, she will cut off extra fabric.
4. Our seamstress will sort out the whole pleats again, during this process, we need to make sure all pleats are in right length and width, so all peats will be look neatly.
5. When all pleats were sort out in good condition, then we will take dress off the mannequin, this step is to fix the pleats in the dress, our steamstress will fix the pleats by stitches hand by hand, it's 1.5-2cm every stitch, the stitch neight too loose nor too tight, that's the whole process of making pleats, the next step is that the seamstress will piece different pieces of pattern into one entire dress.
Warn: since the material is soft satin, it's stretchy, if your real measurements are bigger than dress, then dress will be tight for you, the pleats will be stretched to plain, the pleats will not be obviously, further more, if you take dress off, then stitches will be stretched out, they become obviously if you bring up the pleats, in this condition, you can sort out the pleats by stretching them into both side, then stitches will indent into pleats
If your real measurements are smaller than dress, then pleats will out of shape, they will become loose, so please find a seamstress in your local shop to take dress in.
According to our photo, you can see all pleats were made according to measurements, if error between your real measurements and measurements you gave us less than 1'', then dress will fit you well and pleats will be in right position, but if error is bigger than 1'', then pleats will out of shape or stretch to plain, that's the problem about measurements not the quality problems.