Vanessa Groce has been a cornerstone of New York’s fashion industry for 30 years. Specializing in women’s wear, accessories, jewelry, and children’s wear, she has lent her expertise to renowned brands like New York & Company, Macy’s, and Club21Global. Vanessa possesses an unparalleled understanding of fashion garment and wedding trends. Her unique vision for color and accessory combinations transforms everyday wear into stunning ensembles. From bridal gowns to daily outfits, Vanessa’s insight and creativity make her a sought-after voice in fashion. Her work continues to inspire and set trends, making her an invaluable asset to the industry.
Different companies usually run different sizes, so please do check and compare your measurements of bust, waist, hip(widest part of hip including butt) and hollow to floor with shoes on with our Fit&Sizing Guide before deciding your size. Only error is less than 1'' between your real measurements and standard size, then choose standard size otherwise it's better custom size. The measurements on the size chart are body measurements, not finished dress measurements.