A Viking wedding, inspired by ancient Norse ceremonies, is a unique and intriguing theme for couples looking to celebrate their union in a distinctive way. These weddings often incorporate elements of Norse mythology, traditions, and culture. Viking wedding customs and traditions from the past have made a lasting mark on history. The ceremonies had interesting rituals and a big celebration after, each with its own story.
If you want to have a wedding with a Viking twist, read on to learn about these traditions and we'll inspire you.
A long time ago when Vikings lived, their weddings were more than celebrations. Weddings united two families. Viking weddings had customs really important to Vikings, beyond the bride and groom saying 'I do'.
Vikings thought marriage very important. It was not just for love, but also helped families grow stronger by joining with others.
Viking weddings were about bringing people together and sharing everything. They wanted a happy life with help from the gods they believed in. Now we do things differently. But Vikings showed love and family have always been important.
At a Viking wedding, you would see more than just a bride and groom at the front with their family and friends watching. Viking weddings were events for the whole community to celebrate together. They had important symbols, traditions, and were very enjoyable. let's see:
Viking weddings were frequently on Fridays. The Vikings named Friday after the goddess Frigga. She stood for love. So a wedding on Friday was like getting extra good fortune for the couple's life together going forward!
Before the wedding day, the bride would take part in some special rituals. These were known as 'maidenhood' rituals and they were all about the bride moving from being a young girl to becoming a woman and a wife.
Some of the viking maidenhood rituals are Rituals included the symbolic removal of the kransen, a circlet indicating virginity, which was then preserved for the girl's future daughter. Before her wedding, the maiden partook in a Bathhouse Ritual, bathing to denote purification. With her attire changed to include a bridal crown, tunic, cloak, and specific jewelry, these ceremonies collectively reflected her readiness for marital duties and the beginning of a new life phase. It's like our modern version of a bridal shower, but with a little more symbolism!
Men had special ceremonies before weddings. One was the sword ceremony. In this, the groom showed he could protect his bride and their future family. The sword was often given by the bride's father. He would give it to his new son-in-law. This symbolized that he accepted the man into his family.
Think about wearing attire inspired by Viking dress. For the groom, a tunic, cloak, and perhaps even a Viking helmet or sword.
During the wedding, the couple swapped swords. This meant they were joining each other's families. It was similar to swapping rings but with a Viking style!
An important part of a Viking wedding was 'hand-fasting'. During this ritual, the couple's hands were bound together with cloth or rope. This symbolic act represented how they were now connected as a unit and would face what lay ahead as a team.
Then the couple would walk around the fire three times, which was thought to bring them good fortune. The bride and groom also drank from a horn filled with mead (a kind of beer). This showed they were becoming one family. What a great family wedding photo this would be!
The wedding feast was a big part of the celebration and could last for many days. It was a community event with a lot of food and merrymaking. The bride and groom would sit at the head of the table, with their families on either side. They were served by servants who brought them food and drink. The feast was also a time for people to give gifts to the couple as well as each other.
Serve your meal in a traditional Viking style, with a long table setting and benches. Opt for hearty, rustic foods like meats, cheesecake, bread, and mead.
Viking weddings were always fascinating and exciting. Let's explore what made a Viking wedding belief and some of their common traditions:
This Viking poem called Rígsþula tells a story that also teaches history. It's about a god named Ríg who walks around the world and meets three groups of people. Every pair receives a visit from Ríg and later has kids. These children are the beginning of the social classes: helpers, farmers, and high ranks.
The poem is like a quick picture of how the Vikings saw their surroundings. Ríg teaches Kon, the noble child, about important things like runes. This is his way of getting the next leader ready. It's like telling us that Vikings thought it important to prepare young people for their future jobs. The Lay of Ríg isn't just a made-up tale. It teaches us about Viking culture and how they saw who was most important in their communities.
Now let us turn to a story from the Vikings' varied collection of tales, the Thrymskvitha. This epic account tells of how Thor loses his hammer and a strange but amusing wedding celebration takes place. One day, Thor wakes up and finds his weapon Mjolnir gone. The thief is Thrym, a giant. Thrym wants something from Thor before giving Mjolnir back.
The giant Thrym said he would only give Mjolnir back if the beautiful goddess Freyja agreed to be his wife. But the gods had a funny idea - they dressed Thor up as Freyja instead. Thor acted like he would marry Thrym. It was very silly! At his big wedding party, Thor dressed as Freyja tricks Thrym into telling where Mjolnir is hidden. They get the hammer back. Let's say Thrym did not have a good ending!
Vikings asked their gods, especially Freyja, to bless marriages. Freyja was the goddess of love and fertility. Since she ruled over love, Vikings thought she could bless them with a loving and fertile marriage.
Here are some common misconceptions about Viking weddings:
Viking weddings were fun celebrations with lots of joy, but they followed important rules and rituals. Viking groups had strong traditions that led their parties. Weddings were especially meaningful.
Some Viking groups did practice polygamy, but most modern Vikings only had one wife. Most history books say that most Vikings only married one person. Monogamous marriages among the Vikings typically involved a man marrying a woman, often in her teens or early twenties, with the consent of her parents. The purpose of these marriages was primarily to secure alliances, strengthen social bonds, and provide a framework for the division and continuity of property
Viking weddings were thought to last for weeks or months, which is a myth. They did enjoy celebrations a lot. Most sources say a normal wedding feast usually went on for three days.
The time of the Vikings from the late 700s to early 1000s was an important part of history formed by many social, cultural and political things. One thing people don't usually think about that greatly affected this time was marriage. So how did the Vikings' search for the perfect partner shape this time?
Getting married was a usual way to make friends in Viking groups. Marrying into a strong family or band could truly expand a individual's place and effect, both inside their town and outside.
Vikings traveled far, sometimes to trade or explore. Their long trips meant some married people from other places. This mixing of cultures helped spread technologies, traditions, and thoughts.
Marriage rules during the Viking Age were quite developed. For example, women could start ending a marriage and had the right to get their dowries back if their marriages stopped.
As the Vikings traded, fought, and married people in Christian places more, many Vikings changed to being Christians over time. This big change in what religion they believed in marked an important change and finally ended the Norse religion they used to follow.
Family history was very important for the Vikings. In looking for the best match, Vikings chose partners who would help keep their family name strong or make it better. This want affected not just a person's choice of a husband or wife, but also changed the rules and hopes in society, making how society and politics worked during the Viking time.
While Viking wedding traditions are not followed today, they give us an interesting view of Viking life. These customs link us to people who lived long ago by showing us parts of history they experienced. We hope these traditions can give you some unique wedding ideas.
Unlike today's traditions, Viking brides not only wear white. They also donned colorful and flowing dresses, often in vibrant hues like red, blue, yellow, and green. Headpieces were also important, featuring woven braids, ribbons, or crowns made of silver, crystals, or even dried flowers.
Mjolnir and Freyja, Thor's hammer Mjölnir symbolized protection and strength, while the goddess Freyja represented love, fertility, and beauty. Both may have held significance in Viking weddings.
Evidence for Viking brides wearing veils is scarce. Some scholars suggest scarves or head coverings might have been used, but not specifically as veils for ceremony purposes.